1 Strategic Response Plans in the MENA region received US$ 2.1 billion. The largest recipient was Syria, with US$ 1.08 billion, followed by Iraq with US$ 851.6 million. In total, the appeals and SRPs are 32.9% funded with a 67.1% shortfall.
2 The Syrian Humanitarian Response Plan (SHARP) and the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) jointly requested US$ 6.79 billion. The total amount received is US$ 1.18 billion (17.3%), which leaves a total shortfall of US$ 5.62 billion (82.7%).
3 Six countries from the MENA region made pledges and contributed funds in 2015 for humanitarian appeals worldwide.The amount totalled US$ 538 million, with contributed funds going to 12 countries. The largest donors were Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates with contributions of over US$ 537 million combined. The largest recipients were Iraq, Mali, Syria and and Lebanon.
4 The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) distributed funds to Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya and Pakistan in the MENA region in 2015. The largest recipient was Iraq with US$25.68 million followed by Pakistan with US$14.4 million. Three countries from the MENA region made contributions or pledges to CERF in 2015. These are Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UAE.